Car Seat Conversations
Left Picture: A young Afghan couple with two children had a third baby during the shelter in place and had asked for a car seat for their brand new baby. They received one through another agency. However, the car seats for their one year old and petite six year old were in disrepair. Khadijeh and her husband came for their appointment and were thrilled to receive two brand new car seats. As Alison was about to pray for them, Khadijeh called her husband over to be a part of the prayer. (This young couple came to the United States from Afghanistan a couple years ago and Compassion Network volunteers were honored to provide them with several essential items as they set up their new home in the area.)
Right Picture: Pictured with our car seat specialist is Nazifa. Nazifa has been a client of Compassion Network for nearly a year now. She came to Compassion Network initially because of our coordinated diaper distribution that we share with Alameda County WIC program. She has always been very kind and gracious and incredibly grateful for the many ways she has been served by Compassion Network. Because of her great experiences with us, she has referred many of her friends and acquaintances who are also now receiving services through Compassion Network.